Thursday, September 6, 2012

who at this time coincided with the war room is relatively door faster by a stray bullet labeled as a hornet's nest

> Any wind and perhaps dismay listen to others, but on the wow gold toe, even though my heart is very unwilling, or played with the phone to the following escort. WWw, QUanbEN, COm wow gold out of the room, into the hallway, around glanced across the room crossbow crossbow mouth and said sigh clever. Rushed down to the current situation, in haste, would certainly have been subjected to the concentrated attacks of the enemy, have side inevitably there will be casualties, and hid in the room opposite, that is to let the enemy unexpected, but also to give the enemy a fatal blow at the right time. Dong Xin Lei playing a step forward, tapping, double-tap the number of the next door. Waited a long pause, the door opened, and a pair of 41-year-old middle-aged man from the inside out, to see outside the station many people, he asked blankly, borrow your room use - ranging from middle-aged to speak, Dong Xin Lei outstretched hand over his mouth, the way to promote room. Wow gold, who then also with the inside. Room, not a middle-aged man, a young and beautiful dress a gorgeous woman suddenly see a group of ferocious appearance (Dong Xin Lei, the Kelsang look too garish) Tahan so scared, smallmouth large sheet of drama to be shouting, Dong Xin Lei lift arm, in the hands of a black pistol pointing to the girl's head, cold voice said a soft legs, sitting directly on the ground, in the eyes of both scared and startle, stunned the whole person. Even though the East heart of mine took a tough stance, but it does very effective, the girl could barely dared breathe. That middle-aged pale, cold sweat, arms trembling from her took out his wallet, straight east Heart Leihuailisai, a warble, said: years people wow gold, who do not know the identity of the also thought he encounters robbery. Dong Xin Lei flash arm, the middle-aged man, handing me the wallet hit fly, said, knife North Face 3in1 Jacket Outlet, various combative, cheeky earning caracal, Do they want their own life? Think of this, the middle-aged head Om uttered stammered. Do you want? Dong Xin Lei angrily Do not move here, and if all goes well, we soon left, if you dare to cry, I guarantee you will die soon, listen to understand you? Ray's mean, his head nodded woodenly. Dong Xin Lei smile turned to wow gold Road East Columbia, now how to do? opportunities. Wow gold waved his hand and shook his head Road, shift bad, there is no need to let the two are bad. The time is not long, burst messy footsteps in the hallway, which also mixed with the cries of the people. East Brother! , one will seize his arm, slightly shook his head first, he did not know whether the outside really guard people, there is an enemy in disguise possibility. Secondly, even if the people really guard He needs someone on the outside to attract enemy fire. footsteps getting closer, soon, has come to the front of the East Brother is not in the room '? He died? ! Started shooting outside, originally by the door listening wow gold backwards two steps, after all bullets eyeless north face online store, the door of the hotel is not bulletproof, and his fear of stray bullets hurt. Wow gold turned around and looked at the crowd, and now everyone is watching, his deep eyes and said escort hid in our rooms in the gun battle with the enemy, and listening to the sound, a more intensive enemy fire north face outlet online, could not withstand escort ! Wow gold from his pocket and took out a cigarette, said lightly, said softly, give them a call, let them withdraw to rooms inside, not in the corridors at war. Any wind and blinked, looked wow gold piece to eventually reluctantly scratched his head, to guard captain Ma Chuan combat phone. Waited quite a while, was only pick up the phone. identity and grief are very high, so most people in the gang call him any Big Brother. Do not battle with the enemy in the corridor and look inside the room withdrawal! Retreated to the room? That is not a dead end? Rooms in the hotel's 16th floor, If you do not completely suppress the enemy in the room, escort people are a captive. . . . . . East Columbia command? ! I understand! holed up all the room, tightly hold the door number of enemy attack is not much, and only 20 people, but quite sophisticated weapons karen millen outlet store, both the length of the gun, it is terrible that these people's very accurate marksmanship and combat experience rich, extremely tough. enemy repression outside the door, the door on both sides of the wall as a bunker, hiding in a room and escort to expand on the radio. both of you come to me, playing bustling. both sides, neither when someone in the gun fell to the ground, screams floating in the air is full of smoke, the more piercing. room where wow gold, who at this time coincided with the war room is relatively door faster by a stray bullet labeled as a hornet's nest, dense are bullet hole in the crowd leaped to the wall to avoid the missiles, an individual nervous, silent, silent, static, etc. wow gold ordered wow gold touches easily against the wall, sat on the floor, looked up, slowly smoking no matter what time , wow gold can always control his feelings he surface easily, but my mind was bleeding, Liu Qingqing, for those killed in action tonight unfortunate brothers. His eyes narrowed his eyes soon become two bending black line, so others can not see his eyes flashed red smoke has burned momentum, wow gold throw away the smoke tail stood up and stature, and at the same time, pulled out a shiny silver white pistol from his waist. witnessing what happened, their sights. the wow gold mouth a pick, smiling, said: system, but has long been a bullet hit a dilapidated and also which Jiazhu the Dong Xin Lei Shitailichen kick., Dong Xin Lei pistol just listen crashed, the door he played split up, the room red out the Lei Tung heart up to two meters, body of Bangdayaoyuan, as Ares was alive, he suddenly appeared in full swing on both sides were startled. are all overjoyed crowd cheered, they thought the East Brother himself abandoned, became the victim of gang struggles, it now appears, East Columbia did not left his own room behind the enemy did not expect the same but there are still North freemason, because the turn of events is too sudden, all are stunned. master blows, can not have any mistakes, even the slightest error. stunned this look, although less than one second, but for them, fatal did not wait for them to react the Dong Xin Lei Shuangqiang start together Spitfire. hindquarters. Dong Xin Lei display their experience is too rich, he did not hit a distance of several of his recent enemies north face online, but the bullet sprinkling distant, instant, seven, eight enemy personnel screams fell to the ground. React beside the few Han Dong Xin Lei, raising his hand just want to shoot him, suddenly in front of shadow flash, the addition of a person, there is a thin and long steel knife. (Full the novel network) <

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